ELT Calendar

Saturday, March 31st, 2001

Getting Ready for Speeech
Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Charles LeBeau, co-author of Discover Debate and Getting Ready for Speech
Organization: Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: Charles LeBeau, co-author the classic Speaking of Speech and Discover Debate, introduces his latest book, Getting Ready for Speech, a new basic-level presentation book designed just for your low and really low-level high school students and young adults.

First Lessons: Several ideas for your first lessons of the school year
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Speaker: Bob Servetter, Lyudmila Fudzikata, Malcolm Swanson, Paul Westrick, Bill Pellowe and J. Lake
Organization: Fukuoka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Short description: All teachers who work on an academic year schedule will be facing new students in April. Since we've been through this before, many of us have developed a standard "first lesson" format to set the tone for the year.