ELT Calendar

Saturday, February 9th, 2002

Seminars for Teachers of English to Children
Time: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Speaker: Yoko Matsuka, David Paul, Aleda Krause, Stanton Procter
Organization: Pearson Japan
Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
Short description: The theme of the seminar is "From Tots to Teens - creative ideas and practical class activities for new and veteran teachers of English. " The seminar is held in association with David English House.

Teaching English to Children (Nellie's Seminar Series)
Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Keiko Sugiyama, Mikiko Nakamoto, Gareth Thomas
Organization: Nellie's Group, Ltd.
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: The three presentations in this month's Nellie's Seminar Series are: 13:00 - 14:00Games and Songs: Practical Activities for Teaching English to ChildrenKeiko Sugiyama, Longman ELT 14:30 - 15:30Chants for Grammar Mikiko Nakamoto, Apricot 16:00 - 17:00 Learning English the Saxoncourt WayGareth Thomas, Saxoncourt ELTNellie's Seminar Series events fill up, so making a reservation is a good idea.

Teachers for change: Uh! I don't understand...
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Speaker: John F. Fanselow
Organization: International Pacific College in New Zealand
Location: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Short description: Often teachers meet with stunned silence from students when asking questions in the language classroom. The central goal of the workshop will be to introduce/practice/develop a range of activities which can teach students how to ask a wide range of questions.

Great Activities and Games for Children and High School Students!
Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Tom Kenny, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, and Stuart Bowie, Macmillan Language House
Organization: Jelly Beans Educational
Location: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture
Short description: This year more than ever before, teachers are working to introduce more and more English into their Elementary and High School classes. This seminar will help teachers rise to this challenge.

Deconstructing TLT
(The Language Teacher publication of JALT)

Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Speaker: Various speakers (Moderator - Kana Higashijima)
Organization: Kitakyushu Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Short description: Kana Higashijima of Meiji Gakuen will moderate a discussion of Nguyan Thi Hoa An's "Cultural Effects on Learning and Teaching English in Vietnam," which can be found in the January 2002 issue of The Language Teacher or posted online at http://langue.