ELT Calendar

Thursday, May 9th, 2002

Study Group meeting
Time: 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Speaker: Contact IIEEC for speaker details.
Organization: Institute for the International English Education of Children
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: IIEEC is a teacher training organization for teachers of young learners. IIEEC emerged in response to the requests by teachers for specific training in how to teach.

Bringing Wireless Internet to Foreigners in Japan
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Speaker: Kathleen McMahon, Westport Communications Inc.
Organization: Tokyo PC Users Group
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: For details and related links, see TPC's homepage. About TPC:Founded in 1982, TPC is Japan's oldest IBM-standard PC users group.