ELT Calendar

Sunday, March 16th, 2003

Curriculum Planning & Demo Lessons (IIEEC MAT Teacher Training Seminar, session 4 of 4)
Time: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Speaker: Ritsuko Nakata
Organization: Institute for the International English Education of Children
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: This is the last of 4 sessions in this seminar series. Here is your opportunity to learn how you can get your students to communicate through the most talked method in Japan today, the MAT(Model, Action, Talk) Method.

Study Group meeting
Time: 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Speaker: Contact IIEEC for speaker details.
Organization: Institute for the International English Education of Children
Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
Short description: IIEEC is a teacher training organization for teachers of young learners. IIEEC emerged in response to the requests by teachers for specific training in how to teach.

Introductory Certificate in Teaching English to Children, one day course
Time: 10:00 AM - 5:15 PM
Speaker: David Paul, author of Finding Out, Communicate, and more.
Organization: Language Teaching Professionals
Location: Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Short description: This is a one-day certificate course in teaching English to elementary school children. Trainer David Paul is the author of Finding Out, Communicate, Songs and Games for Children, Discover English, Discover the World, and Discover the Universe.

Blank Syllabus and Flashcards Games
Time: 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Speaker: Linda Donan
Organization: Nagoya and Gifu Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
Short description: An ever popular speaker, Linda Donan, will present two programs. From 1:30-2:30 she will address university and high school teachers on how to design a syllabus for that first day of class in April.

Songs & Chants Activities
Time: 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Speaker: Contact IIEEC for speaker details.
Organization: Institute for the International English Education of Children
Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
Short description: Music is part of culture. Culture is part of language education.

International Drama to Spark ELT
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Speaker: Covenant Players International Drama Company
Organization: Yokohama Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Short description: This interactive workshop will encompass fun learning through doing (playacting teaching activities), and also equip teachers with exercises and ideas to take back to their classroom.

Putting Words in Their Mouths: Dictogloss, Shadowing and Summarizing
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Speaker: John Small, Kumamoto Gakuen University
Organization: Okinawa Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Nishihara City, Okinawa Prefecture
Short description: This presentation will cover three activities that give students structured language practice: dictogloss (grammar dictation), shadow talking and summarizing.

Genki English: Elementary School English
Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Richard Graham & Will Jasprizza
Organization: Saitama Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture
Short description: The presentation will discuss the Monbukagakusho guidelines for English at the elementary school level and how to implement those guidelines in a fun, motivating way.

Faulty Bridges: Strengthening the Interplay Between Theory and Classroom Practice
Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Marshall Childs
Organization: Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: Applied Linguistics, the field that is supposed to bridge theory and practice, has not been a good bridge. It has offered relatively few valuable insights to guide classroom practices.