ELT Calendar
Thursday, August 3rd, 2006
LET Kansai 46th Annual Conference (day 2 of 3)
To be announced
Speaker: Call for papers due Feb 28
Organization: Japan Association for Language Education and Technology, Kansai Chapter
Location: Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
Short description: The theme of The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology 46th Annual Conference is The Role of Teachers and the Media in Fostering Learner Autonomy.
Tokyo PC Users Group Swap Meet 2006
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Speaker: All invited
Organization: Tokyo PC Users Group
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: Open the junk drawer (or cabinet) and pull out those slightly used or incompatible PC pieces and parts you no longer need. Bring them to the Tokyo PC Users Group annual swap meet on Thursday Aug.