ELT Calendar
Sunday, July 31st, 2011
The 48th Annual Shin-Eiken Conference (day 2 of 3)
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Junior and senior high school English teachers with some college teachers
Organization: Shin-Eiken - New English Teachers' Association
Location: Handa City, Aichi Prefecture
Short description: Shin-eiken, Japan New English Teachers' Association The aims of Shin-Eiken, New English Teachers' Association are to clarify the purposes of teaching foreign languages and to create and develop a new English education that is rooted in democracy.
ETJ Special Seminar on Teaching Children
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Barbara Sakamoto, David Paul, Ritsuko Nakata, Yoko Matsuka
Organization: ETJ Tokyo (English Teachers in Japan)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: There will be four presentations followed by a roundtable discussion in which all four presenters will participate. Teachers that preregister will be awarded a certificate for attending the seminar.
Call for Papers Due July 31st (Sunday)
Peace as a Global Language 2011
Call for papers due: July 31st (Sunday)
Event Dates:
October 22nd (Saturday) - October 23rd (Sunday), 2011
Overview: The 2011 Peace as a Global Language conference will be held October 22nd-23rd at Konan CUBE, Nishinomiya.