ELT Calendar
Sunday, June 10th, 2012
2-Day Intensive Certificate Course in Teaching English to Children
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Speaker: Marco Brazil, IETC Training Director
Organization: Institute of English Teaching to Children
Location: Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture
Short description: Learn to teach; teach to learn. Our IETC Certificate program is an intensive 2-day course that will teach you how to become a better English teacher to children with an emphasis on practical methodology.
One-day Certificate Course in Teaching Children (Fukuoka)
10:00 AM - 5:15 PM
Speaker: David Paul
Organization: Language Teaching Professionals
Location: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Short description: This course has been running for many years and has a very high reputation. It provides a general introduction to child-centered learning.
TESOL Certificate Workshop: Teaching Communicative Competence
10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Speaker: Alastair Graham-Marr
Organization: Language Teaching Professionals
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: Much of what learners strive for is communicative competence. Teachers will discuss what this means and how to more broadly apply some of these principles to their teaching situation.
Working With Wikis
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Speaker: Harry Carley (Matsuyama University)
Organization: ETJ Ehime (English Teachers in Japan)
Location: Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture
Short description: This two-hour session will demonstrate how Wikis can be used in many learning environments. It is a web 2.
Encouraging learner autonomy through peer feedback in the writing classroom
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Speaker: Jennie Roloff Rothman
Organization: Hamamatsu Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Short description: Peer feedback is crucial for managing group dynamics, empowering effective writing and developing learner autonomy. By reflecting on the writing process and peer work, learners can improve their own writing skills while supporting that same development in their classmates.
TESOL Certificate Workshop: Assessment methods in the EFL Classroom
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Speaker: Alastair Graham-Marr
Organization: Language Teaching Professionals
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: Teachers will learn and discuss many of the issues and difficulties associated with language assessment. Students will then discuss how to apply these methods to their particular teaching situation.
(1) Make English Lessons Fun With Songs; (2) Cooperative/collaborative learning
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Sara Wall (Super Simple Learning); (2) Toshie Agawa (Keisen University, Tokyo)
Organization: Saitama Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture
Short description: Make English Lessons FUN With Songs - Tips for Teaching Young Learners Sara Wall How do you make learning English fun and exciting for your students in one easy step? Add more music to your lessons! Children naturally love to sing songs and play games.
Balancing Language Teaching
2:15 PM - 4:20 PM
Speaker: Rob Waring of Notre Dame Seishin University
Organization: Matsuyama Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture
Short description: The first half of this presentation will introduce the Balanced Curriculum which shows how to balance all the important elements of input, output, fluency focus and study focus.