ELT Calendar
Friday, October 19th, 2012
GLoCALL 2012: The Globalization and Localization in Computer-Assisted Language Learning Conference (day 2 of 3)
To be announced
Speaker: Plenary speakers: Mark Warschauer, Francoise Blin, Peter Gobel. Call for papers due April 16
Organization: Globalization and Localization in Computer-Assisted Language Learning
Location: Beijing, Beijing (China)
Short description: The Globalization and Localization in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (GLoCALL) Conference aims to share knowledge, research and experience on how to use computer technology to make language learning more effective and pleasant; to explore how the technology can be adapted to better meet the local needs of students and teachers, while at the same time providing global perspectives on computer-assisted language learning (CALL); and to bring the technology within the reach of local teachers who wish to develop their professionalism in CALL.
Second Language Research Forum 2012 (day 2 of 4)
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Speaker: Brian MacWhinney (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Bill VanPatten (Michigan State Univ.), Natasha Tokowicz (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Patsy Duff (Univ. of British Columbia); Call for papers due April 30th
Organization: Second Language Research Forum
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA)
Short description: The Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) is the premier venue for sharing second language research in North America. The 2012 Second Language Research Forum (October 18-21) will be hosted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, by the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University.