ELT Calendar
Saturday, March 7th, 2015
Pragmatics and Language Education Workshop
9:00 AM - 5:40 PM
Speaker: Noriko Ishihara (Hosei U.), Seiji Fukazawa (Hiroshima U.), Ryota Nagata (Hiroshima U.), Michiko Kasuya (University of Hyogo), Mayu Konakahara (Waseda U.), and Yoko Nogami (Matsuyama U.)
Organization: Hiroshima Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Short description: Without cultural knowledge, language learners may not fully understand the meaning of a message in an L2. Even with perfect grammar, they could completely offend their conversational partners without using language appropriately.
Center for English as a Lingua Franca Forum: Language teaching in the Asian context
1:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Speaker: Featuring Damian J. Rivers (Future University Hakodate) and Glenn Toh (Tamagawa University)
Organization: Tamagawa University
Location: Machida City, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: Presentations: (all presentations are in English) Speakerhood status, institutional discourse and voices from the inside: An exploration of the native-speaker criterion and native-speakerism in Japanese higher education Dr.