ELT Calendar
Saturday, April 22nd, 2017
Introduction to Language Assessments
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: J. Lake (Fukuoka Jogakuin University), Trevor Holster (Fukuoka University), Bill Pellowe (Kindai University)
Organization: Kyoto Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
Short description: This event will be a series of presentations/workshops that will serve as an introductory sequence to introduce test and assessment basics for language classrooms and programs.
Adapting Drama to the Language Classroom
1:00 PM - 5:40 PM
Speaker: Eucharia Donnery (Shonan Institute of Technology), Yoko Morimoto (Meiji University), and Gordon Rees (Yokkaichi University)
Organization: West Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Kokubunji City, Tokyo Metropolis
Short description: JALT's West Tokyo Chapter and the Speech, Drama, & Debate SIG are pleased to host presentations by three members of the SD & D SIG. This is a great opportunity for all ELT professionals who seek to expand their knowledge and gain useful insights into classroom teaching.
Easing the Burden of Recordkeeping
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Speaker: Soren Leaver (Kyushu Sangyo University)
Organization: Fukuoka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching
Location: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Short description: New locationPlease note that Fukuoka JALT is trying a completely new location this month, Namiki Square in Chihaya (map). From Tenjin, it's a 12 minute subway ride to Kaizuka, followed by 3 minute Nishitetsu to Chihaya From Hakata, even easier: 11 minutes on the local train to Chihaya (3rd stop) In addition to lesson planning and instruction, teachers often spend a considerable amount of time maintaining student records.
Call for Papers Due April 22nd (Saturday)
Summer Seminar: Business and Intercultural Negotiation
Call for papers due: April 22nd (Saturday)
Event Dates:
July 1st (Saturday) - July 2nd (Sunday), 2017
Overview: The JALT Business Communication SIG will hold the Business and Intercultural Negotiation conference on July 1st and 2nd 2017, at Kansai University, Osaka.