Tokyo British Council:

Opening Day: "The Way We Are" Photo Exhibition

Date: Tuesday, November 5th, 2002 Time: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Speaker: Exhibition of photographs by young British people

The Way We Are (UK) is the result of a competition challenging young people in Britain to find a way to present their everyday lives through photographs. The competition was part of a larger project developed by the Japan Festival Education Trust for Japan 2001 and sponsored by KPMG. PhotoIt followed on from an exhibition of photographs of - and by - Japanese high school students supported by The Japan Forum. The Way We Are (UK) exhibition will provide a unique window on the everyday lives of individual young people in Britain today. The photographs are personal statements of what is important to them, how they spend their time, and their dreams and ambitions. The exhibition in Japan is produced by the British Council as part of the year-long campaign UKNOW 2002. It will be on display at the British Council Tokyo centre from November 5th to November 30th (Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm; Saturday 9.30am to 5.30pm). Following the exhibition, sets of the display will be made available to secondary schools in Japan for use in the classroom together with a booklet for teachers containing suggestions and guidelines on how to incorporate the photos into lessons.

Organization: The British Council Tokyo Centre (Tokyo British Council)

Cost: free

Venue: The British Council Tokyo Centre, Iidabashi

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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Neil Stead
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