Tokyo JALT:
Recent Developments in Monkasho's English Educational Policy
Date: Sunday, April 27th, 2003 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Kensaku Yoshida
As a member of one of the research groups created for the "Strategic Plan to Educate Japanese Who Can Use English," as well as a member of the Super English Language High School Assessment and Advisory Committee - two of the most recent Monkasho projects to revise English education in Japan - Kensaku Yoshida will present his views on the Monkasho intiatives. He will also detail his views on what he believes to be some of the factors that must be considered in bringing about positive changes in English education in Japan.
Organization: Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Tokyo JALT)
Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 500 yen
Venue: Columbia University Teachers College, Suidobashi Campus (Suidobashi Station or Jimbocho Station)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan
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