Tokyo British Council:

Workshop for Secondary School English Teachers: Making Listening Effective

Date: Wednesday, June 25th, 2003 Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Speaker: David Thomson & Alan Milby, British Council

This workshop aims to highlight ways and means on how to encourage students to listen and accomplish meaningful listening tasks. Our ultimate aim is to build their confidence and comprehension in listening to various styles of discourse in English. We will examine our roles as teachers and ask whether we are actually teaching or testing our students. From that we will give ideas on how to make an effective structure for listening exercises and how to incorporate it into our teaching plans. To help us in doing so we will provide ideas and activities that can be made into effective listening tasks. Finally you will analyse materials that you currently use and apply the ideas from this session to make them more practical, enjoyable, meaningful and real for your students.

Organization: The British Council Tokyo Centre (Tokyo British Council)

Cost: Free but reservation required

Venue: British Council Tokyo Centre, Kagurazaka 1-2, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Tel: (03) 3235-8031, Nearest Station: Kagurazaka (Tozai Subway Line)

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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Neil Stead
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