Tokyo Chapter of FEW:

Presentation Skills Workshop

Date: Thursday, November 13th, 2003 Time: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Speaker: Carolyn Gaskins, Katherine Curtis and Sangeeta Shields of Oak Associates

Have you ever felt positively sick at the idea of giving a presentation? Knees knocking, butterflies in your stomach, feeling faint? Or would you like to polish your verbal and nonverbal skills to enhance your professional poise and confidence during a presentation? Well, look no further. Carolyn Gaskins, Katherine Curtis and Sangeeta Shields of Oak Associates are your answer. With a combined total of over 40 years experience in various business fields, including human resources and training, they will conduct a hands-on workshop on Improving Your Presentation Skills. They will provide you with practical skills for organizing your ideas and help you understand the criteria for giving a high-impact presentation. You will learn to recognize audience needs and establish a rapport with your audience. This will definitely be an interactive session designed to enhance your presentation skills, so be prepared to participate! Please note, this is a women only event. For more details, see the FEW website.

Organization: Foreign Executive Women (Tokyo Chapter of FEW)

Cost: FEW Members: 2,000 yen, includes buffet dinner and drinks
Non-members: 5,000 yen, includes buffet dinner and drinks

Venue: Foreign Correspondent's Club of Japan, Yurakucho Denki Bldg. 20F, Yurakucho, Tokyo

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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