Osaka JALT:

DramaWorks Revisited

Date: Saturday, March 13th, 2004 Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Speaker: Theo Steckler of Dramaworks

Theo Steckler, president and founder of DramaWorks, producer of PopStars, and co-author of Star Taxi and Wonder Kids, will present a workshop for language teachers at the elementary school, junior high, high school and university levels. He'll demonstrate DramaWorks' unique method of providing first rate communicative language training using performance art as a basis for instruction in speech, gesture, eye contact, action, pronunciation, and fluency, leading to an overall performance that is polished, confident, and charming.
Participants will stage and perform three scenes in English: "The Look" from Star Taxi, and "New Kid" & "Ghost House" from Wonder Kids. Authentic language and characters will be introduced in fun-filled stories replete with songs, rap, and street dance.
Steckler has devoted over thirty years to the arts and the education and training of young actors. For the Los Angeles school system he created a special program for high school students working professionally in television, film, and theater. In Denver, Colorado, in addition to directing his own interior design business, he created the speech and theater curriculum for an international school based on the Waldorf system, an extremely high quality education for children through art. Steckler has also directed several community opera productions with international artists featuring children.
In addition to directing DramaWorks and doing occasional interior design work, Steckler currently teaches at Kyoto University of Art and Design, Tezukayama University, and Osaka Gakuin University.

Organization: Osaka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Osaka JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1000 yen

Venue: Osaka City Municipal Lifelong Learning Center, on the fifth floor of Umeda's Dai-2 Building. Tel: 06-6345-5000.

Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan


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Contact Osaka JALT


Bob Sanderson
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