Temple University Japan:

Introduction to Corpus Linguistics

Date: Saturday, February 21st, 2004 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Douglas Biber (Northern Arizona University)

This course will examine issues in corpus linguistics, both as a research methodology and as a field of study within linguistics. The course will survey the kinds of research questions that can be investigated using a corpus linguistic approach. We will discuss how corpus linguistics differs from other research traditions in linguistics, emphasizing the advantages of this approach for studies of language use.
We will look at selected published case studies illustrating the range of linguistic research questions that have been studied from a corpus linguistic perspective. We will also discuss methodological issues relating to corpus design and construction, and we will explore key research methodologies, including project designs, using concordancing tools, and interactive coding.
This seminar is part of TUJ's Distinguished Lecturer Series. Note that each seminar is actually 2 days long, apx. 7 hours per day. The first three hours of each seminar are free and open to the public. To attend both days of the weekend seminar costs 11,000 yen for the general public (free for M.Ed. and Ed.D. alumni of Temple University Japan). Please see the TUJ Osaka web site for full details.

Organization: Temple University Japan

Cost: TUJ Members: free for M.Ed. and Ed.D. alumni of Temple University Japan
Non-members: free (first three hours)

Venue: Temple University Japan, Osaka Center, Osaka YMCA, 1-5-6 Tosabori, Nishi-ku, Osaka

Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan


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