Tokyo Chapter of FEW:

FEW April Meeting: Miss Universe Japan Pageant - behind the scenes

Date: Thursday, April 14th, 2005 Time: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Speaker: Ines Ligron, National Director Japan Miss Universe L.P., LLLP

In 1998, Real Estate Mogul Donald Trump, who owns the Miss Universe pageant with NBC, asked French businesswoman Ines Ligron to take charge of Miss Universe in Japan. Miss Ligron not only took charge, she revamped the whole concept, elevating it in status and turning it into a gala event with sponsorship from leading foreign and Japanese companies. In this presentation, Miss Ligron will share with us the numerous activities that take place behind the scene of the Miss Universe Pageant and her personal journey – as a foreigner, a woman and a mother of 3 through years of determination, perseverance and hard work in making Miss Universe Japan a successful business.

Organization: Foreign Executive Women (Tokyo Chapter of FEW)

Cost: FEW Members: 2,000 yen (incl. buffet supper and drinks)
Non-members: 5,000 yen (incl. buffet supper and drinks) Please note: This is a women-only event.

Venue: Foreign Correspondent's Club of Japan, Yurakucho Denki Bldg. 20F, Yurakucho, Tokyo. map

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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