ETJ Yamaguchi:
ETJ-Yamaguchi February Meeting: Phonics and Motivation
Date: Sunday, February 13th, 2005 Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Speaker: Andrea Klym and Sachiyo Okazaki
There are three parts to today's ETJ-Yamaguchi meeting. Please feel welcome to attend and tell others about this new group. The first part of today's event is a talk entitled Teaching Phonics in Classes for Young Learners and Older Learners. The speaker is Andrea Klym. The second part of today's event for teachers is a demonstration entitled How to motivate children to answer English questions. This demonstration is led by Sachiyo Okazaki. The third part of this afternoon's get-together is a group discussion. Feel free to participate or just listen in.
Organization: ETJ Yamaguchi (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Yamaguchi)
Cost: 500 yen
Venue: Bromski's English Academy (t: 083-923-5934) 3236-8 Yoshiki, Yamaguchi city. 10 min. drive from the Yuda Onsen station, very close to CO-OP Izumi
Location: Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan
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