OUP Kids' Club:

2005 Oxford University Press Kids' Club Tour in Hiroshima: Rhythm and Reading: Classroom Fun for the Very Young

Date: Wednesday, February 16th, 2005 Time: 9:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Speaker: Craig Wright, Yoriko Taniyama

Oxford University Press is delighted to announce their premier event for teachers of young and very young learners: the Oxford Kid's Club Tour. This year the tour will be held at a record number of seventeen venues and runs from February 11 - 27. The tour is designed to give both Japanese and native English teachers practical, hands-on training for teaching English to young and very young learners.

The seventeen-city tour features popular and well-known presenters such as Setsuko Toyama, Carolyn Graham, Kevin Churchley, Charles Vilina, Kathleen Kampa, Patrick Jackson, Craig Wright and more!

* Admission is free and pre-registration is not required.
* Remember you can become a Kids' Club member on the day, and current members who introduce new teachers to the Club will get a free gift so don't forget to bring a friend!
* Books sales at each event, and a 10 percent discount for Oxford Kids' Club Members.

For the full schedule to see who is appearing where, maps to each location, presenter biographies, and to find how to become a Oxford Kids' Club member please visit the website:

Organization: Oxford University Press Kids' Club (OUP Kids' Club)

Cost: free

Venue: Hiroshima YMCA Hall, 7-11 Hacchobori Naka-ku Hiroshima

Location: Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan


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Contact OUP Kids' Club

Website: www.oupjapan.co.jp/

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Phone (work): 03-5444-5454
Mobile phone: 090-7849-5357