Osaka JALT:
Hanami Social (change of date)
Date: Saturday, April 9th, 2005 Time: 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Speaker: Everyone is welcome to share ideas, mix and mingle at this social event.
Everyone is welcome to share ideas, mix and mingle at this social event.
Description: Apologies for the short notice, but due to the forecasted 50-60 per cent chance of rain this coming Sunday, we've regrettably decided to reschedule our Osaka JALT Hanami Social yet again to this Saturday, April 9th, when there is just a 10 per cent chance of rain. We've also changed the time slightly to be from 3:00 to 8:00 pm so as to be able to take in the spectacle of the lit-up blossoms happening every evening this week. Join us for all or part of the time if you can make it. Look for the blue JALT banners in the Nishinomaru Japanese Garden, which is on the west side of Osakajo-koen, has the most cherry trees in the park, and has a gorgeous view of the castle.
The nearest train stations are Tanimachi 4-come and Temmabashi, but it's a pleasant walk from Osakajo-koen or Morinomiya stations if you're coming by JR. Bring a ground sheet if you have one, a Frisbee or other recreational favorites, a bento and other refreshments, or you can buy food and drinks there. This should prove to be a fun and relaxing way to help kick off the new academic year by sharing ideas and experiences with fellow language teachers and learners in a classic and beautiful setting.
This event is free to JALT members and non-members alike, so feel free to bring friends and family. Adults are charged a 200 yen admission fee to enter Nishinomaru Japanese Garden, but it's free for children. If you have trouble finding us please dial 090-5640-5011 or 090-6670-6042 for directions (or 080-3789-6394 after 5:00).
Organization: Osaka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Osaka JALT)
Cost: free (bring your own bento and refreshments)
Venue: Osaka Castle Park, under the best cherry blossoms we can find!
Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
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