Kagoshima JALT:
2005 Kagoshima Teaching Children Conference
Date: Saturday, July 23rd, 2005 Time: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Chis Hunt, Linda Wittig, Jan Takahashi, Keiko Sagisaka, Martin Nuttall, Richard Graham, Yoshie Lauffenburger-Hashido, Bo Causer, Cynthia Keith
This is an all day Conference for teachers and persons interested in the education of Young Learners. For more information on presentations, pre-registration etc please call Cynthia Keith on 099-216-8800.
- 10:00 - 11:30 Doing it THEIR way: English for Kids (Jan O'Loughlin)
Ever been in a situation where a kid in your class is more interested in picking the scab on his knee (or worse) than in concentrating on what is going on in your English lesson? Ever had a day when the rain falling outside the window is infinitely more riveting to the children than what you're struggling to teach them? Do you ever feel, "There must be something wrong with me. I can't get their attention." Or "There must be something wrong with them. They can't concentrate"? Childhood is a special time of life and children have a special way of experiencing the world of learning. Children will be fully involved in learning if we give them what they want and need: rich and real experiences of the world. As English teachers teaching children, we should be aware of our responsibility to enrich children's experience of childhood through the English activities we design for them. Jan O'Loughlin will present a selection of activities representing a personal approach which has been developed during 20 years of teaching young children (and other ages groups) in Japan. - 10:00 - 11:30 Altogether Now! (Chris Hunt)
Come and find out about non-competitive games for language learning! Games are not inherently competitive and once you get used to co-operative and non-competitive ways of playing games, you start feeling unsettled when you see lesson plans using competitive games. With lots of practical activities this workshop seeks to show how competition is unnecessary. Come and experience the difference! - 11:30 - 12:30 "Practice Makes Perfect" (Keiko Sagisaka)
Learning "Kotowaza" in English is easy, even for students in Elementary school. Come and spend some time with Keiko Sagisaka and she will show you how!
Organization: Kagoshima Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Kagoshima JALT)
Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 2000 yen at the door, 1000 yen pre-registered
Venue: Kagoshima Jutaku Kyokyo Kosha Biru - Shinyashiki cho Kagoshima
Location: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
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