Tokyo British Council:

Workshop for Elementary School Teachers

Date: Friday, September 30th, 2005 Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Speaker: Hamish Buchan

If you look at modern textbooks for children you will probably find that they are split into different topics e.g. Unit 1: My Family; Unit 2: Clothes. Introducing language and activities through topics helps children link the new knowledge with what they already know about the topic. In this session we will look at how we can make the best use of topics and plan out a series of lessons around a topic. Participants will get to think about and try out activities related to the topic of numbers and will then get the opportunity to work in small groups to plan lessons around a given topic.

Organization: The British Council Tokyo Centre (Tokyo British Council)

Cost: free

Venue: British Council Tokyo Centre, Kagurazaka 1-2, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Tel: (03) 3235-8031, Nearest Station: Kagurazaka (Tozai Subway Line)

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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Neil Stead
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