ETJ Tokyo:
What makes a successful school?
Date: Sunday, April 23rd, 2006 Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Charlie Richards
Charles Richards has been running his own school, 'The Learning Tree', for 8 years. He will open his presentation by defining his understanding of success with regard to an English school and then share ideas on: establishing a school, attracting customers, making a sale, retaining customers, maintaining standards, and looking to the future, with regard to single owner schools. Charlie will conclude his presentation with a personal message, then take questions and lead a discussion. Getting there: To make your own way, see the maps below. If you would prefer to go as part of a group, please come to the Ginza Line Toranomon Station Exit Number 2 at 1:10 pm. A member from ETJ Tokyo will be waiting at ground level to guide you to the venue (Map in English). Registration:
Notes: This workshop is open to all ETJ members. However, due to limited space, the number of attendees is limited to 30 people. If the number of pre-registrations is less than 30, registrations will be accepted on the day up to a total of 30. In accordance with ETJ policy, 1. this workshop is aimed at teachers of junior high school age/level and below, also 2. presenters may not promote materials/publications for profit. At 3:30 pm ETJ members will be invited give their own presentations. Priority will be given to presentations on the day's theme (What Makes a School Successful?).
1:00 Doors open, registration
1:30 - 2:45 Main presentation by Charles Richards
2:45 - 3:00 Questions and discussion remain presentation, led by Charles Richards
3:00 - 3:30 Break
3:30 - 4:55 Presentations by members
5:00 Close
To join ETJ:
Tokyo ETJ Information:
Organization: ETJ Tokyo (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Tokyo)
Cost: 500 yen
Venue: Oxford University Press, Edomizaka Mori Bldg, 4-1-40 Toranomon Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8529
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan
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