ETJ Kyoto:
Motivating students and teaching in elementary schools
Date: Sunday, July 9th, 2006 Time: 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Speaker: Will Letham, Karin Suehiro
The issue of motivation
William Letham will hold an open forum for all teachers to discuss ways to better motivate students. Small group discussion will allow all members to participate.
Teaching at Japanese elementary schools
Please come to hear the experiences of one native English speaker. Karin Suehiro will talk about what she has learned, and what approach she prefers.
Following the meeting, everyone is invited to a BBQ (barbecue) at Lake Biwa, just a short train ride from the meeting. The cost will be 500 yen for food; please bring your own drinks. If you're interested, please tell Chuck by July 8th, please.
Organization: ETJ Kyoto (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Kyoto)
Cost: 500 yen
Venue: Kyoto Prefectural International Center,
Location: Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
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