Independent Learning Association:

3rd International Conference of the Independent Learning Association

Date: Friday, October 5th, 2007 Time: Time TBA

Speaker: Henri Holec, James Lantolf, Yoshiyuki Nakata, Kathleen Graves, Klaus Schwienhorst

The earlybird registration deadline of the 3rd International Conference of the Independent Learning Association has been extended until August 15th, 2007. The conference will be held at Kanda University of International Studies, Chiba, Japan on 5-8 October 2007. The theme of this conference is Exploring Theory, Enhancing Practice: Autonomy across the Disciplines. Internationally recognized academics from Japan, the United States, France, and Germany will address various strands of the conference theme. In addition to this, over 200 presenters from Japan and around the world will give papers.

Please note that this is a bilingual conference, Japanese and English. Simultaneous interpretation will make the keynote and invited speakers' talks available in both languages. Individual papers presented at the conference will be in either English or Japanese depending on the preference of the presenter.

Plenary and invited speakers include:
* Henri Holec, CRAPEL, University of Nancy II, France (Autonomy in language learning: Past, present, future).
* James Lantolf, Pennsylvania State University, USA (Autonomy and sociocultural theory).
* Klaus Schwienhorst, University of Hannover, Germany (Autonomy and CALL).
* Yoshiyuki Nakata, Hyogo University of Teacher Education (Autonomy and motivation).
* Kathleen Graves, School for International Training, USA (Autonomy and teacher education).
* Naoko Aoki, Osaka University, Japan (Autonomy in language learning: Past, present, and future in the Japanese context).
* Koichi Nishiguchi, Osaka University, Japan (Autonomy and sociocultural theory).
* Kojiro Asao, Ritsumeikan University, Japan (Autonomy and network-based language learning).
* Tomoko Yashima, Kansai University, Japan (Autonomy and willingness to communicate).
* Mamoru Morizumi, Obirin University, Japan (Autonomy and teacher education).
The deadline for early registration is August 15th, 2007. Please see their website for full details.

Organization: Independent Learning Association

Cost: 15,000 yen

Venue: Kanda University of International Studies, Tokyo

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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