Tokyo IIEEC Study Group:

Curriculum Planning & Demo Lessons (IIEEC MAT Teacher Training Seminar, session 4 of 4)

Date: Sunday, March 10th, 2002 Time: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Speaker: Ritsuko Nakata

This is the last of 4 sessions in this seminar series. Here is your opportunity to learn how you can get your students to communicate through the most talked method in Japan today, the MAT(Model, Action, Talk) Method. It was developed for Japanese children learning English by Ritsuko Nakata, well known teacher trainer, founder of IIEEC Teacher Training Center, chairperson of AETC (The Association of English Teacher of Children), and author of Let's Go (Oxford) and Koushite Oshieru Kodomono Eigo (Apricot), and others. Ms. Nakata will personally conduct this intensive seminar, which will cover the questions teachers ask most: how to get students to ask, answer, interact with each other, give opinions all the basic tenses, how to teach basic phonics, reading, writing, how to manage classes and level gaps, and much more!

Organization: Institute for the International English Education of Children (Tokyo IIEEC Study Group)

Cost: IIEEC Members: 20,000 yen for this session (65,000 for all 4 sessions, with 2 payment installments possible)
Non-members: 25,000 yen for this session (65,000 for all 4 sessions, with 2 payment installments possible)

Venue: Athena Holistic in Osaki (location telephone: 03-3490-7601)

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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