Yokohama JALT:

Brazilian or Japanese: choosing the best education for children

Date: Sunday, May 13th, 2007 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Speaker: Toshiko Sugino (National Defense Academy)

According to a 2004 Immigration Control Office survey, Nikkei-Brazilians account for nearly 300,000 of the 2 million registered foreign nationals in Japan. Why do some Nikkei-Brazilian parents choose Portuguese-mediated Brazilian schools over Japanese public schools for their children's education? Are there issues of identity shift and identity crisis involved? Sugino will share her investigation of factors that affect these children?fs language learning from historical, socio-political, and socio-economic perspectives.

Organization: Yokohama Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Yokohama JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1000 yen

Venue: Ginou Bunka Kaikan (Skills and Culture Center) near JR Kannai and Yokohama Subway Isezakichojamachi [See for map]

Location: Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


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Contact Yokohama JALT


Paul Nehls
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Jonathon Campbell
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