ETJ Ehime:

Teaching Without a Text - Using Student-Generated Material

Date: Sunday, June 24th, 2007 Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Speaker: Chris Wolf

Most teachers use a textbook when they teach. This presentation is for those people who don't always want to use a text, but are unsure of what to do when the text is gone. In a presentation designed for teachers of jr. high students and above, the presenter will show how to focus on the students' actual level by using student-generated material. The presentation will cover curriculum issues, classroom techiques as well as a Q and A session. The goal of this presentation is to help teachers expand their options beyond the book in an effective and communicative way. Please contact Chris Wolf for directions or a map (

Organization: ETJ Ehime (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Ehime)

Cost: 200 yen

Venue: Nichibei School of Foreign Languages, 6-4-31 Yogo Naka, Matsuyama 790-0045

Location: Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan


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Contact ETJ Ehime


Glen Melrose
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