West Tokyo JALT:

The 2nd JALT Joint Tokyo Conference - Innovation in Language Teaching

Date: Sunday, October 14th, 2007 Time: 9:45 AM - 5:30 PM

Speaker: Joe Falout, Yukio Tono, Bill Pellowe, Yuri Komuro, Chuck Sandy, and Tim Murphey

9.45-10.15: Registration
10.15-11.00: Joseph Falout: Re-motivating the Demotivated
Research shows the strongest influence on learner motivation is the teacher, and learners subjected to demotivating factors early in their formal studies are less able to control their affective states years later. This presentation will provide an overview of learner demotivation, will offer examples of how demotivated learners became re-motivated, and will conclude with implications for teachers and learners. Joseph Falout started his career teaching ESL and college composition in the Chicagoland area. Now he is an assistant professor at Nihon University. His research theme has been demotivation in EFL learners in Japan.
11.15-12.00: Dr. Yukio Tono: Corpus-Based Analysis of Learner Language
I will argue that a learner corpus, a large collection of speech or writings by language learners, will make a great contribution to the improvement of various areas of language teaching. Especially I will introduce the corpus-building project of 10,000 students' free compositions called JEFLL and discuss its implications. Dr Yukio Tono is Associate Professor at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. He received his PhD in Corpus Linguistics at Lancaster University. He is famous for his fully corpus-based TV English program on NHK and quot;100 Go de Start Eikaiwa and quot; (scheduled to rerun from October 2007)
12.00-13.15: Lunch
13.15-14.00: Bill Pellowe: Using Video iPods to Deliver Class Content
The video iPod is actually an affordable alternative to other portable technologies such as laptop computers. Pellowe will use one to demonstrate how to use video, slides (similar to PowerPoint), photos and audio to better engage students. A detailed handout of software and web-based supplementary materials will be provided. Bill Pellowe received his MA in TEFL with distinction from the University of Birmingham. He has been teaching in Japan since 1990. Bill runs ELT Calendar (www.eltcalendar.com). His latest project is ELT Podcast (www.eltpodcast.com).
14.15-15.00: Yuri Komuro: Dictionary Instruction in the Classroom
A dictionary means a hand-held electronic one, not a paper one any more, at least to many university students. Now they can access several dictionaries anytime, anywhere. However, do students make good use of them? This presentation will introduce some research that carries implications on more effective dictionary instruction and learning/teaching materials we could introduce into classrooms. Yuri Komuro is an associate professor at Chuo University. Her specialty is English lexicography, and her main research interests focus on the development of collocational dictionaries, project work, and the need for materials and practices that promote critical thinking.
15.15-16.00: Chuck Sandy: Critical Thinking for Active Communication
What is critical thinking and why is it essential for communication? In this interactive presentation, participants will explore these questions before being introduced to a variety of critical thinking activities appropriate for any classroom where the emphasis is on communication and where teachers wish to make learning more active. Chuck Sandy is an ELT materials writer, teacher trainer, essayist, and poet and has most recently been working on the forthcoming Active Skills for Communication series (Heinle). He's a frequent presenter at conferences around the world where he passionately speaks about the joys of engaging students in project work and the need for materials and practices that promote critical thinking.
16.15-17.00: Dr. Tim Murphey: In honor of Wilga Rivers - Hothousing Innovative Interactive Language Teaching: Dare to Imagine
We will look at what a hothouse class might look like, what would ideally help students learn more rapidly. We will look at how we can innovate with new and old ideas thus having more resources and possibilities. In honor of Wilga Rivers, this presentation will be very interactive. Language Hungry! Tim Murphey (PhD Neuchatel, Switzerland), series editor for TESOL's Professional Development in Language Education, Group Dynamics in the Language Classroom co-author with Zoltan Dornyei, juggles, sings, and skis.
17.00-17.30: Coffee with the Presenters
Conference website: http://www.tokyojointconf07.info/

Organization: West Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (West Tokyo JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: 2,000 yen (pre-registration 1,500 yen)
Non-members: 3,000 yen

Venue: Toyo Gakuen University, Phoenix Hall, Building 1, Hongo Campus (map)

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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