Kyushu LET:

WorldCALL 2008 - 3rd International Conference (day 1 of 3)

Date: Wednesday, August 6th, 2008 Time: Time TBA

Speaker: Several speakers

August 5, Pre-conference workshop sessions (charged separately, at Fukuoka University)

August 6-8, Conference (at Fukuoka International Congress Center). Please see their call for papers (due November 30, 2007). The conference features:
* Academic papers
* Panel discussions
* Courseware showcases
* Keynote speeches
* Exhibitions
* Symposia
* Welcome reception
* Poster sessions
* Corporate presentations
* Dinner cruise (charged separately)

Conference Chair: Mike Levy (Griffith University, Australia)
Conference Vice-Chair: Masayoshi Kinoshita (Fukuoka International University)

Keynote speakers:
* Vera Menezes, Brazil
* Stephen Bax, UK
* Trude Heift, Canada
* Katsuhiko Shirai, Japan.

WorldCALL is a worldwide professional association for teachers and educators interested in computer assisted language learning. WorldCALL members are established professional CALL associations from throughout the world. The current members of WorldCALL are: EUROCALL, CALICO, IALLT, CERCLES, CCAQLL/ CELAO, ATELL and LET. To date, WorldCALL has held two major international conferences: the first in 1998 in Melbourne, Australia, and the second in 2003 in Banff, Canada. WorldCALL 2008 will be held in Fukuoka, Japan, and is being organized by LET (the Japan Association for Language Education and Technology). LET will continue the WorldCALL scholarship program to enable postgraduate students and junior academics to attend and will sponsor four keynote speakers from Europe, North America, South America and Japan.

Organization: Japan Association for Language Education and Technology, Kyushu Chapter (Kyushu LET)

Cost: 30,000 yen

Venue: Fukuoka International Congress Center (Sekijo-machi, Hakata-ku) and Fukuoka University (Nanakuma, Jonan-ku)

Location: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan


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