Osaka JALT:
Peer Support Writing Workshop
Date: Sunday, November 23rd, 2008 Time: 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Speaker: Myles Grogan, Matt Apple, Deryn Verity
Contributions for the JALT 2008 Proceedings are due on December 1st. In this workshop, we hope to provide peer support for anyone planning to submit a paper. We will be looking at both content- and form-related features that should improve your chances of having the paper accepted for publication.
After Myles Grogan's brief review of requirements for the Proceedings , Matt Apple will provide a refresher on APA style. This will be followed by a comment from Deryn Verity, former Associate Editor of the JALT Journal, who will give an editor's perspective on the writing process.
Finally, we will break out into small groups and give feedback on the pieces you are preparing.
Bring a copy of your paper for the proceedings, and get the benefit of feedback from peers.
Myles Grogan, of Momoyama Gakuin University, is Osaka JALT Program Chair and editor of the My Share column in JALT's The Language Teacher magazine.
Matt Apple, of Doshisha University, is coordinator of JALT's CUE SIG (College and University Educators' Special Interest Group).
Deryn Verity, of Osaka Jogakuin University, is former Associate editor of JALT Journal.
Organization: Osaka Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Osaka JALT)
Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1000 yen
Venue: Abeno Life-long Learning Centre
Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
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