Fukuoka ACET:

ACET March Meeting

Date: Sunday, March 8th, 2009 Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Speaker: MC: Yukari; Songs: Emi; Activities: Yoriko, Miki and other volunteers

Spring is around the corner! ACET'd like to inform you of the March meeting.

* MC: Yukari

1. Warm-up songs: Emi

2. Activities: Yoriko: Ideas for how to make use of "Eigo Note"and some other activities. If you'd like to have the file of picture cards, please bring your memory stick.

3. Sharing ideas each other about how we can keep our students and get new students.

ACET meetings welcome anyone who is interested in teaching children. Generally, various volunteers share songs, educational activities, classroom games and various teaching methods that have been successful. At the end of the meeting, everyone brainstorms to go over any class problems that teachers may encounter. For more info, visit our website. www.acetfukuoka.wordpress.com

Organization: Association of Childrens English Teachers (Fukuoka ACET)

Cost: 1000 yen

Venue: AMIKAS TAKAMIYA, next to the Nishitetsu Takamiya Station (Minami-ku, Fukuoka)

Location: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan


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Contact Fukuoka ACET

Website: acetmembers.wordpress.com/

Wayne Burns
Email QR Code: