Hokkaido JALT:

Teaching Children Mini-Conference

Date: Sunday, May 24th, 2009 Time: 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Speaker: Mari Nakamura and Dr. Taka Ishii

Keynote Speaker: Mari Nakamura.
Title: Exploring the Power of the Picture Book-Based Curriculum in Young Learners' Classrooms
Good quality picture books have enormous potential as a tool for English language teaching. However, it often feels daunting to design a curriculum around a picture book. In this interactive workshop, you will first examine who children are as language learners, what sort of learning environment we want to provide to our children, and how picture books can support their learning. Then the presenter will demonstrate how to design a four skills program using a popular children's story as a springboard. By participating in the designing process and trying out several fun classroom activities, the audience will see the picture book-based curriculum in a whole new light.
Bio: Mari Nakamura, a popular children's author and co-author, has been giving numerous teacher training sessions all around Japan and writing educational articles while teaching young learners at her own school, English Square, in Kanazawa City. She is most well-known for her dynamic and practical workshops. She has earned the Postgraduate Diploma from the MSc in TEYL program at Aston University, and is volunteering as the ETJ Ishikawa Group Coordinator.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Taka Ishii
Abstract: Dr. Ishii will present on common types of learning disorders affecting children, symptoms - what to look out for, forms of treatment, what happens if ignored. He will present in Japanese with a PowerPoint presentation in English at the same time. Handouts will be in English and Japanese. He is able to answer questions in English.
Bio: Dr. Taka Ishii is a psychiatrist at Sapporo Medical University.

Panel Discussion: Teaching Children
Host: Mari Nakamura
Target Audience: Parents
Language: Japanese

Organization: Hokkaido Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Hokkaido JALT)

Cost: JALT Members: JALT Members; free
Non-members: ETJ Members 500 yen; Others 1000 yen

Venue: Hokkaido International School

Location: Sapporo City, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan


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