ETJ Saitama:
2009 Sainokuni Joint English Workshop for Teachers of Japanese Youth
Date: Sunday, July 12th, 2009 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: 6 presenters
The ETJ Saitama regional group of English Teachers in Japan together with the Omiya chapter of JALT will hold a joint workshop. Three members from both groups will each, in turn, give a 20 minute presentation aimed specifically at elementary school learners of English. Registration begins from 1:30 pm. Please see the ETJ Saitama or the Omiya JALT website for further details.
Organization: ETJ Saitama (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Saitama)
Cost: ETJ Members: 500 yen
Non-members: 1000 yen
Venue: Shogai Gakusho Soa Center, Center Plaza 5F, Sakuragicho Kominkan, 1-10-18 Sakuragicho, Omiya
Location: Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
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