ETJ Tokyo:
(1) Dealing with Difficult Students; (2) How to Phrase your Praise
Date: Sunday, September 6th, 2009 Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: (1) Jun Harada; (2) Polina Mitkova
This is going to be a very useful afternoon. We have two thought-provoking presentations offering extremely practical advice. Schedule:
1.00 - 1.30 Registration
1.30 - 3.10 Presentation 1 - Jun Harada
3.10 - 3.30 Break
3.30 - 4.30 Presentation 2 - Polina Mitkova
4.30 - 5.00 Announcements and tidy up time
5.00 We must vacate the room by this time
(1) Dealing with Difficult Students (Jun Harada, Dokkyo Jr and Sr High School)
In this presentation, Jun will discuss how to deal with students who "hate" English. Just like other teachers, he was tormented by such students who came to class to daydream, sleep or just fool around. Recently however, he started interviewing and private-teaching some unmotivated students and discovered their unique ways of thinking. Jun will describe the "bad" students' mindsets and learning (or fooling) styles. Then we will discuss if there are any good ways to deal with such students. Attendees are welcome to participate in group talks and discussions.
Biography: Jun Harada has taught at many places including a high school in the Bronx. He is now teaching full time at a high school in Tokyo and is interested in SLA and remedial education.
(2) How to Phrase your Praise (Polina Mitkova)
Polina will offer insights on the different types of praise, and how teachers can better use this powerful tool in the classroom to foster a more cooperative mindset in the students. If you have come to the point where the formulaic "Good job!" or "Well done!" are not sufficient to achieve the results that you desire, or if you want to know exactly what you can comment on when you want to encourage your students, then this presentation may be the one for you!
Biography: Polina is currently teaching at a JHS and an ES in Saitama, and doing an M.A. in TESOL at Temple University, Japan.
Venue: Musahino Shiminkaikan is less than 5 minutes walk from Musashi Sakai Station on the Chuo Line, and the station is only 18 minutes from Shinjuku (see map). Pre-registration helps us to prepare the right amount of handouts in advance. Please pre-register by sending an e-mail to: (in Japanese), or (in English). If you don't pre-register, you are still welcome to attend.
Organization: ETJ Tokyo (English Teachers in Japan) (ETJ Tokyo)
Cost: ETJ Members: 500 yen
Non-members: 1,000 yen
Venue: Musashino Shiminkaikan, Musashino City, Sakai 2-3-7, Dai 1 Kouza shitsu (second floor)
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan
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