CEFR and Language Portfolio SIG of JALT:
FLP SIG: Can do in language education in Japan Call for Papers
Date: Wednesday, March 31st, 2010 Time: Time TBA
Speaker: Publication call for papers due March 31, 2010
Please note that this is a call for papers for a volume of papers, not a conference, but the publication will involve presentations and ensuing discussions at some upcoming events
In recent years, there has been a vivid discussion in Japan about language learning curriculums and frameworks, especially the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). At the heart of this is the use of can do statements. While many institutions have been adopting can do statements, many educators are not aware of how to use these effectively in classes. It is important to be aware that these can do statements must be adapted and changed to suit the specific context they serve.
To facilitate this, the Framework and Language Portfolio Special Interest Group (FLP SIG) aims to publish a volume of papers that will give specific ideas and resources for educators to bring into classrooms. It is anticipated the publication will include electronic resources from all writers that readers can use and adapt to their own context. Papers dealing with the use of can do statements in line with the CEFR and any other framework (e.g. Canadian Language Benchmarks, ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines etc.) in public (elementary to university) and private language education are welcome. Papers could deal with such issues as assessment, curriculum change management, goal-setting, learner strategy training, learner attitudes, self-assessment and teacher training among others. In principle papers should be written in the target language. If in English the papers should contain a lengthy Japanese synopsis or complete translation and vice versa. Papers written in other languages should contain a lengthy Japanese and English synopsis.
It is anticipated that this publication process will involve much collaboration and inside reviewing. With this in mind, selected writers and others involved will be expected to attend and contribute to the two following events:
First meeting at the 9th Annual JALT Pan-SIG Conference, May 22-23, 2010 at Osaka Gakuin University, Suita City, Osaka. Topics: A discussion of first draft of papers and coordination of publication.
Tokyo-area meeting
Second meeting in the Tokyo area, Saturday 19th June. Topics: Discussion/workshop of near-final papers.
JALT 2010
A tentative idea is to have contributors to this booklet present at the JALT 2010 conference about their contribution so we can explain the papers and pedagogical tools to a wider audience.
Abstracts should be up to 500 words or 250 Japanese characters in length. Abstracts in Japanese or other languages should include a 250 word English abstract. All abstracts should include information about the context, issues and challenges before outlining practices that have evolved and how these practices could potentially inform others in similar contexts. All abstracts should be sent an attachment in either Microsoft Word (.doc) or Rich Text File (.rtf) file format to flpsig@gmail.com with "Can do in language education in Japan abstract" as the subject line no later than March 31st 2010
Tentatively successful abstract authors will be notified of acceptance or by April 30th and will be invited to attend and contribute further information at a meeting on May 22nd in Osaka.
The final decision on list of contributors will be May 31st 2010. Final papers should be sent by June 30th. It is anticipated the volume will be published by late October 2010.
Please feel free to forward this call to potentially interested colleagues, or to post it to appropriate mailing lists. This project will not be possible without the support of contributors, readers, proofreaders, translators, organizers (of printing, publication details, possible sponsorship and other financial considerations etc.). Please contact the above email address if you have any questions or would like to help in the organization of the publication.
Organization: CEFR and Language Portfolio Special Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (CEFR and Language Portfolio SIG of JALT)
Cost: N/A
Venue: This is a publication that involves presentations and ensuing discussions at some upcoming events
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan
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