The 2010 PAC-KOTESOL International Conference (day 2 of 2)
Date: Sunday, October 17th, 2010 Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Paul Nation, Patricia Duff, Thomas Farrell, David Nunan, Kathleen Bailey, Rod Ellis and many more
The 2010 KOTESOL International Conference will include the 10th Conference of the Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies. The title of this conference is "The 2010 PAC-KOTESOL International Conference", and its theme is "Advancing ELT in the Global Context." The second day includes concurrent presentations, plenary sessions, and featured presentations, and ends with the KOTESOL Annual Business Meeting (16:00-17:00). Please see the 2010 PAC-KOTESOL International Conference website for more details.
Organization: Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (KOTESOL)
Cost: Please see kotesol.org for details
Venue: Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea
Location: Seoul City, Seoul, South Korea
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