Nagasaki JALT:
The Power of Connection: How Twitter (and the Internet) Can Make You A Better Teacher.
Date: Sunday, April 17th, 2011 Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Speaker: Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto (sponsored by Oxford University Press)
For our second full meeting of 2011, we are very happy to welcome - to Nagasaki for the first time - one of the busiest, most popular presenters in Japan. Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto has been an EFL teacher and teacher trainer since 1985. She has conducted workshops throughout Asia, the U.S. and Latin America, and is co-author of the best-selling Let's Go series (OUP). Her motto is "Always try new things, " so these days, when she's not teaching, writing, or giving workshops, you'll often find her online exploring the potential of social media for professional development. If you 'd like to explore with her, you can usually find her on her award-winning blog, Teaching Village at, her wiki at, on Twitter and Facebook, or in Second Life.
About this presentation: The Internet allows us to connect with teachers living around the globe, and Twitter is the easiest entry point! How can an English teacher in Greece or Brazil help you be a better English teacher in Japan? Why are online networks so powerful for teachers? We'll talk about it all -- why teachers connect, how they connect, and why you should, too. This workshop will be very practical and hands on. If you are comfortable with online networks (like Facebook or Yahoo Groups) you will learn how to make even better use of your Internet resources. If have never used the Internet for professional development, or are nervous about meeting new people online, you will learn how to feel confident (and safe) in cyberspace. We'll walk through clear, easy steps in setting up an account with Twitter, and in creating your own Personal Learning Network (PLN). We'll look at examples of ways teachers have used their online networks to learn about new teaching ideas, to find materials for class and to collaborate on projects with other educators. We'll explore ways that you can use online tools in your own classes, whether or not you have computers or Internet access available. While the activities and examples in this workshop are geared toward teachers of young learners, the tools and resources are will be useful for all teachers. You will hopefully leave this workshop eager to meet new teachers around the world, who are already eager to meet you!
P.S. OUP representative Keiko Willhite, one of our December presenters, will also be there to answer questions and explain sample materials. All welcome!
Organization: Nagasaki Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Nagasaki JALT)
Cost: free
Venue: Dejima Koryu Kaikan, 4F
Location: Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
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