IFG Asia:

Seminar: Where there's a Will...

Date: Wednesday, May 25th, 2011 Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Come to learn why you should make a Will and what will happen if you don't. Includes tips, advice and information on Wills in Japan, the US and UK. An event on Will writing and succession planning with tips and advice for Japan residents, homeowners and families with a Japanese spouse. Panelists will explain how to draft and register a Will with a notary public for Japanese property and other assets, which documents are required, the procedure and costs. A US tax advisor will explain how to write a US Will and IFG Asia will cover the use of Wills and trust planning in the UK. There will also be an opportunity to raise questions followed by drinks and a light buffet. TO REGISTER: E-mail info@ifg-asia.com

Organization: IFG Asia

Cost: 4,000 yen

Venue: Oakwood Premier Midtown, Akasaka, Tokyo

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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Contact IFG Asia

Lisa Gravestock
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