Temple University Japan:
TUJ Tokyo Distinguished Lecturer Series: Autonomy in Language Learning
Date: Saturday, October 20th, 2012 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Phil Benson (Hong Kong Institute of Education)
Autonomy has become a keyword in global language education policy in recent years, but many teachers remain uncertain about the value of autonomy and what they should do in order to encourage it among their learners. The main questions addressed in this lecture are: What does it mean to be an 'autonomous language learner? What does it mean to help our students become more autonomous in theoretical and practical terms? The opening session will provide an overview of the theory of autonomy in language learning, discuss some of the typical problems that teachers have with, and suggest how key ideas on autonomy can be put into practice in the classroom.
For more information, please see the TUJ website.
About the Distinguished Lecturer Series:
Nine times a year, the Temple University Distinguished Lecturer Series brings internationally-recognized TESOL scholars to TUJ for intensive weekend seminars. Each seminar can be taken for elective credit for the master's and doctoral degrees. The first three hours of each Saturday session are free and open to the public. Weekend seminars are free for M.S.Ed. and Ed.D. alumni of Temple University, Japan Campus; the fee for other weekend auditors is 12,500 yen.
Organization: Temple University Japan
Cost: free for the first 3 hours
Venue: Temple University Japan, Tokyo map
Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan
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