Nagasaki JALT:
(1) Bringing Rasch to the Masses: Test evaluation without statistics; (2) Increase Participation and Decrease Anxiety: Crafts in a Self-access Learning Centre
Date: Saturday, October 27th, 2012 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Speaker: Judith Runnels (Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University)
Rasch analysis can be a powerful analytical tool to evaluate pedagogical assessment. During the first part of this month's Nagasaki JALT event, Judith Runnels from Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University will introduce some basic concepts of Rasch analysis and outline the process of interpreting results of a Rasch WINSTEPS analysis of multiple choice tests. Item writing, implementing changes following analyses and incorporating results into articles will be discussed. Little or no background in assessment and statistics will be required for participation.
The second part of the presentation will describe the self-access learning centre (SALC) at Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University and some of the successful events held there to encourage students to spend more time at the centre with their teachers or peers. Judith will also share and discuss the results of a questionnaire given to participating students at the SALC and, if time permits, introduce some of the activities students enjoyed most.
Organization: Nagasaki Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Nagasaki JALT)
Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1,000 yen (students free)
Venue: Dejima Koryu Kaikan, 2-11 Dejimamachi, Nagasaki map
Location: Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
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