Nagano JALT:

(1) Language Cloud Learner Management System; (2) The Flipped Classroom

Date: Saturday, April 20th, 2013 Time: 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Speaker: (1) Theresa Sherry (Language Cloud); (2) Robert Habbick (Cambridge University Press)

Language Cloud Online Learning Management System
We believe that technology can be used to not only engage students, but to lessen the time educators spend on administrative tasks like managing assignments, grading and manually keeping track of student progress. Many of us have tried using learning management systems (LMS) such as Moodle, but have found it difficult to use, and have been searching for a better solution -- this is where Language Cloud comes in! Language Cloud is the first LMS developed for language education. Its online platform and apps allows teachers and students to easily access and manage their classes, assignments, and notes in the cloud. When designing our platform we've kept user experience in mind, so the interface is streamlined and most steps only require a couple of clicks. We wanted to make the platform as intuitive as possible (so as to bypass the mammoth training sessions a la Moodle) -- Language Cloud takes 30 seconds to register for and 1 minute to master. The basic platform is free and you'll have the option of customizing your Language Cloud from January onwards by purchasing various apps through our App Center (which is very much like iTunes). We are also finalizing our partnership with Cambridge University Press, where they will be providing 10 titles -- all of which will also be available for purchase through the App Center.

Turn it Around: The Flipped Classroom
"Flipping the Classroom" is a new concept made possible with the internet and advances in online learning materials and tools. In the traditional classroom, teaching is done in the classroom and practice is done at home with exercises and workbooks. In a 'flipped classroom', we free-up classroom time by enabling some learning, along with practice, to be done outside the classroom. This allows for more production and communication to happen during the lesson. Come and join this session to get some ideas about how this could be done in your classroom.

Organization: Nagano Chapter (formerly the Shinshu Chapter) of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Nagano JALT)

Cost: free

Venue: Shinshu University, Faculty of Engineering, Wakasato Campus

Location: Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan


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Miguel Mision
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