Temple University Japan:

The 16th Annual Temple University Japan Campus Applied Linguistics Colloquium

Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2014 Time: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Speaker: Various presenters

The primary goal of this event is to provide a venue for both new and experienced researchers to present their work in a supportive atmosphere. The second goal of the event is for researchers to be able to discuss research-related issues with one another in order to learn more about conducting high-quality educational research. Please see TUJ's announcement for details.

Organization: Temple University Japan

Cost: 1,500 yen. The fee covers your attendance for either one or for both days.

Venue: Osaka Center, Temple University Japan Campus

Location: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan


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Contact Temple University Japan

Website: www.tuj.ac.jp/tesol/seminars/

Temple University Japan
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Phone (work): 03-5441-9800