The Society for Intercultural Education, Training, And Research:
Resilient Minorities in Japan: Filipino English Teachers and Ainu-Maori Cultural Exchange
Date: Sunday, February 16th, 2014 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Speaker: Jason Bartashius and Jennifer Teeter
This event is co-sponsored by SIETAR Kansai and Osaka JALT, and consists of two presentations:
1. Jason Bartashius - The Filipino Community and Social Initiative Projects in Post-3/11 Japan
Tohoku is suffering a job loss caused by the 3/11 disasters. In response, Cesar Santoyo launched Social Enterprise English Language Schools (SEELS), a micro-franchising initiative that trains Filipina migrants to be English instructors. In addition to discussing the formation of SEELS this presentation examines the history of Filipina migration to Japan as well as the pre- and post-3/11 struggles of migrants. Attention will be given to the "Watch Us Maybe" documentary project. The film is to be a collage of smartphone videos in which migrants tell their stories of contributing to reconstruction efforts in Tohoku and engagement in social enterprises elsewhere in Japan. The film's aim is to advocate a more socially inclusive Tohoku and Japan by educating viewers about social initiative projects migrants are currently engaged in.
Jason Bartashius is a lecturer of Japanese Religions at Osaka Gakuin University and Nagoya University of Foreign Studies and works for the Center for Japanese Filipino Families. He is the founder of After School Lessons for Tohoku Children, a project which matches Tohoku children with volunteer English teachers, and has been involved with other forms of activism and volunteerism related to 3/11 as well. This spring he will begin his doctoral studies at Sophia University.
2. Jennifer Teeter - Youth Empowerment through the Aotearoa Ainumosir Exchange Program
This presentation will discuss the formation and activities of the Aotearoa Ainumosor Exchange Program. After a brief introduction of the current Ainu situation, the origins and activities of the Aotearoa Ainumosir exchange will be discussed. The program is designed for indigenous Ainu youth to participate in a study tour of Aotearoa New Zealand to learn experientially from Maori about their efforts for cultural survival. The initiatives that have grown out of the experiences of these Ainu youth in Aotearoa in terms of Ainu language revitalization and the creation of an Ainu-managed and owned space in the Tokyo metropolitan area will also be discussed.
Jennifer Teeter is a lecturer at Kyoto University and is working to create a sustainable solar sail cargo ship tailored to meet the needs of marginalized coastal communities while dedicating herself to supporting Ainu youth.
Dinner Party
To join the dinner party afterwards please contact Miho Yoshioka at uskj30641 AT
Organization: The Society for Intercultural Education, Training, And Research
Cost: SIETAR Members: free (also free to Osaka JALT members)
Non-members: 500 yen
Venue: NIshinomiya Daigaku Koryu Center (ACTA East Tower 6F, Room2) Tel.(0798)69-3155 Two minutes walk from Nishinomiya Kitaguchi station
Location: Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
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