Kyoto JALT:
Introduction to Language Assessments
Date: Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker: J. Lake (Fukuoka Jogakuin University), Trevor Holster (Fukuoka University), Bill Pellowe (Kindai University)
This event will be a series of presentations/workshops that will serve as an introductory sequence to introduce test and assessment basics for language classrooms and programs.
- First, J. Lake will discuss problems teachers often face concerning tests and assessments. He will then discuss test and item specifications, rubrics item writing.
- Next, Trevor Holster will present on the importance of construct definition to illustrate the range of things that need to be considered and how that relates to test and item specifications.
- This will be followed by a short workshop on item/rubric writing by the three presenters.
- Bill Pellowe will conduct a quick workshop on using MOARS (Mobile Audience Response System) to gather multiple-choice data, and then rubric (e.g., peer-assessment) data.
- J. Lake will present on test types, and item analysis using Excel.
- The three presenters will then supervise a short workshop on item analysis.
- Trevor Holster will then introduce Winsteps and Facets to illustrate how more information can be extracted from data compared with raw scores.
Presenter bios:
- J. Lake is a lecturer at Fukuoka Jogakuin University. His research interests include language learning motivation, language assessment, and positive psychology. He is on the editorial board of Shiken, the language assessment publication of the JALT TEVAL SIG. Also, he is currently the program chair of the TEVAL SIG and the Fukuoka chapter of JALT.
- Trevor Holster is a lecturer at Fukuoka University. His research interests include the integration of classroom assessment with instruction, performance based testing, peer-assessment, and placement testing. He is the publications chair of the JALT TEVAL SIG. He is also the editor and editorial board member of Shiken.
- Bill Pellowe is an Associate Professor at Kindai University's campus in Fukuoka. He is the website editor for the JALT TEVAL SIG and has had a longstanding interest in language assessment and feedback. His projects include MOARS and ELT Calendar.
This event is co-sponsored by the TEVAL (Testing and Evaluation) SIG.
Organization: Kyoto Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Kyoto JALT)
Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 500 yen
Venue: Campus Plaza Kyoto, 2F Hall (map)
Location: Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
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