Business Communication (BizCom) SIG of JALT:
2nd IATEFL BESIG Online Symposium
Date: Sunday, June 25th, 2017 Time: 5:45 PM - 12:00 AM
Speaker: BESIGs around the World
IATEFL Business English Special Interest Group (BESIG) is delighted to announce that it will be hosting its second online symposium on Sunday, 25 June 2017, from 5:45 PM Japan time until 3:30 AM on June 26 Japan time. This event will be co-hosted with five other business communication and business English SIGs from around the world:
- the Japan Association for Language Teaching Business Communication SIG (JALT BCSIG),
- BESIG Hungary,
- ELT@I BESIG in India,
- Braz-TESOL BESIG in Brazil, and
- the Asociacion de Profesores de Ingles de Buenos Aires Business English SIG (APIBA BESIG).
The symposium's theme is BESIG(s) around the world, and aims to link and strengthen business English ties internationally, share best practices across borders, and explore global BE training contexts. Each partner SIG has its own slot on the event's program, starting in Japan with JALT BCSIG and moving across the times zones as the day progresses, before finishing with the day's finale from APIBA BESIG in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Selected speakers from IATEFL BESIG and its partner SIGs will lead and present a variety business English sessions; formats which include Q&A discussions, online workshops, webinars and at least one pecha kucha. For details, please see the seminar programme.
Organization: The Business English Special Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Business Communication (BizCom) SIG of JALT)
Cost: free
Venue: Online: check for the live link this week
Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event
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