Temple University Japan:

TUJ Distinguished Lecturer Series: Instructed Second Language Acquisition

Date: Saturday, January 12th, 2019 Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Roy Lyster, Professor Emeritus (McGill University, Canada)

The aim of this course is to synthesize the results of various classroom-based studies of second language learning. A range of descriptive and quasi-experimental classroom studies will be examined, all of which explore ways in which teachers and learners integrate a focus on language form while maintaining a central focus on meaning in communicatively oriented classrooms. Studies of interaction between teachers and learners as well as between peers will be examined to explore a range of interactional moves and tasks hypothesized to enhance second language learning (e.g., corrective feedback, prompting, recasting, negotiation, scaffolding, metatalk, learner uptake, collaborative dialogue). Proactive approaches to second language instruction in classroom studies will also be examined to develop awareness of various types of planned pedagogical intervention that include input processing, input enhancement, and form-focused practice activities. Based on classroom studies, the effects of ISLA on a range of linguistic domains will be examined (i.e., grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, pragmatics), while taking into account the mediating roles of instructional context and individual differences. Students will develop an awareness of why certain language features are more difficult than others for classroom learners, and will be expected to critically assess what types of pedagogical intervention appear to be more effective than others.

Organization: Temple University Japan

Cost: free

Venue: Azabu Hall: 2-8-12 Minami Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047 (map)

Location: Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan


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