Tottori JALT:
Cross-Curricular Approach to English Activities
Date: Sunday, March 3rd, 2019 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Speaker: Ann Mayeda, Konan Women's University
As teachers we know language uptake is more likely to occur if learners are given more opportunities for varied forms of input. The reality however, is that exposure often happens only within the English class for a very limited amount of time. So how can we maximize engagement? In this workshop, we will take materials from other subject areas and work on ways to expand the content into English classes, in addition to peppering other subjects with a few doses of English. Specifically, we will focus on building English activities and attempt to integrate learning across the curriculum.
Ann Mayeda is an associate professor at Konan Women's University in Kobe. She conducts teacher-training courses and workshops for pre- and in-service teachers of English. The continuing theme in her teaching/learning journey centers on learner development and issues in autonomy as it applies to young learners and young adult learners.
Organization: Tottori Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Tottori JALT)
Cost: JALT Members: free
Non-members: 1,000 yen (500 yen for students)
Venue: Tottori University, Room C (2F) of the Koho Center, just inside the main gate
Location: Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture, Japan
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