Kyoto JALT:
Social Justice Book Club
Date: Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Speaker: Facilitator: Betsy Lavolette
Many of us have posted our support for #BlackLivesMatter on social media, attended marches, donated money, etc., and are wondering what the next steps are. How can we make Kyoto JALT a comfortable space for all language teachers? What can we do to promote social justice in our classrooms? Together, let's discuss some actions we can take. To provide us with some concrete ideas, we will read the book Words and Actions: Teaching Languages Through the Lens of Social Justice (2nd edition) (Glynn, Wesely, & Wassell, 2014) and discuss it, a couple of chapters at a time. The book is in English, and discussions will be conducted primarily in English. (However, if anyone would like to facilitate a Japanese discussion, we are ready to support you!)
Please note that the facilitator of this discussion is not an expert on social justice and will be learning alongside everyone else. Part of the challenge of reading this book is that it is not perfectly suited to our context (no book is!), so we will need to think about how to adapt the ideas. So please bring to the discussion your own experience, expertise, questions, answers, and willingness to both teach and learn. We invite your participation via Zoom for synchronous discussion (see schedule below), and Slack for asynchronous discussion
To join us, please fill out the registration form. We'll send you the participation links.
Schedule: Wednesday afternoons at 4 p.m. on the following dates:
- July 22, 2020 Chapters 1 & 2
- Aug. 5, 2020 Chapter 3 & 4
- Aug. 19, 2020 Chapter 5 & 6
- Sept. 9, 2020 Chapter 7 & 8
About the Facilitator: Betsy Lavolette, PhD, Associate Professor of English, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University. I'm happy to have the opportunity to facilitate this group! I proposed a reading group because I don't know enough about social justice and antiracist pedagogy. I hope it will be a good way to learn more through reading and discussion with fellow language teachers. Please join us!
Organization: Kyoto Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (Kyoto JALT)
Cost: free
Venue: Online
Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event
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