ALTTO (ALT Training Online):
ALT Agora - 3
Date: Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 Time: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Speaker: David Coulson (Ritsumeikan University), Gretchen Clark (Kyoto Notre Dame University), Peter J. Collins (Tokai University), Rishma Hansil (Tokyo JET Prefectural Advisor)
Join us for the third ALT Agorà, the series of monthly interactive webinars designed with both new and experienced ALTs in mind. Come watch April's spotlight speaker and choose your themed breakout room to engage with other ALTs in a professional and friendly environment. As always, the event is free and open to all, even for those ALTs and JETs still stuck outside of Japan because of COVID-19! This month's lineup is:
SPOTLIGHT: Easy (extensive) reading, and its role in developing stronger English (vocabulary) skills in junior and senior high school students
David Coulson (Ritsumeikan University)
I will outline a model of vocabulary knowledge, and how lexical skill can be expected to develop either with or without extensive reading. I will then briefly present data taken from 608 junior and senior high school students in Niigata showing their ability to process the most common essential English words through a test of word recognition. Finally, I will introduce a free website for extensive reading which could help plug the gap.
Room 1: Teaching vocabulary and flashcard practices
David Coulson (Ritsumeikan University)
Words are basic for learning a foreign language. But which words, and how should teachers guide the use of flash cards, for example? The speaker will mention these issues and invite discussion by asking teachers to share their experiences.
Room 2: Textbook + Creativity = Happy students!
Gretchen Clark (Kyoto Notre Dame University)
According to educator John Hattie, classroom decisions should be made to engage, complete tasks, have fun and 'reinvest in the game of schooling' (2012). How can we reinvent standard textbook activities to ensure students are motivated and learning? The presenter will share her go-to activities and invite attendees to brainstorm other ways of keeping lessons interesting for students.
Room 3: Recognizing and Realizing JTE-ALT Relationships
Peter J. Collins (Tokai University)
Why team-teach? More specifically, what can a JTE-ALT team do that couldn't be done by a JTE-JTE team, an ALT-ALT team, or a bilingual solo teacher? In this session, we'll talk about ways to move beyond simple turn-taking and consider four kinds of JTE-ALT relationships that can make the in-class experience more meaningful for both teachers and students.
Room 4: Design Thinking in the ALT Classroom
Rishma Hansil (Tokyo JET Prefectural Advisor)
Design Thinking is a solution-based approach to solving problems, used across a range of disciplines from engineering to education. In the language learning classroom it can be a new way of thinking and working. This workshop looks at the 5 stages of Design Thinking, discussing ways in which we can generate ideas with our students, design lesson materials and engage students in hands-on learning activities.
To learn more about this month's presenters, please check our website,
Organization: ALTTO (ALT Training Online)
Cost: free
Venue: ZOOM: Register here to receive the link
Location: Online, Online Events, Online Event
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